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PriceFrom 20,00 €

Fertility and longevity of the sea
- available as a triplet, single 4mm & single 8mm -

  • Tortuga Verde: Fertility and longevity of the sea

    Green sea turtle / Grüne Meeresschildkröte / Chelonia mydas
    Conservation status: EN - Endangered

    Called locally in the Wayuu language “Sawain yushi”, the green sea turtle’s range extends throughout tropical and subtropical seas around the world. Like other sea turtles, they migrate long distances between feeding grounds and the beaches from where they hatched.

    In Colombia, they are found along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, using beaches as spawning and nesting grounds, as well as shallow coastal waters rich in seagrass to spend most of their adult life. Seagrass consumed by turtles is quickly digested and becomes available as recycled nutrients to the many species of plants and animals that live in the seagrass ecosystem. 

    Classified as endangered, green turtles are threatened by overharvesting of their eggs, hunting of adults, being caught in fishing gear and loss of nesting beach sites.

    In the worldview of the Wayuu indigenous peoples, the sea turtle is a symbol of strength, fertility, fecundity, and longevity. Turtles belong to Polowi, the female deity of the sea. She has allowed humans to take only a small amount of turtles for their survival. In case of extreme consumption, she will punish them with death.

  • 1 WL bracelet = 5m² of tropical rainforest

    Our WildLife Collection brings along an important mission: 

    For each WildLife Bracelet you purchase, we will be helping O2 Reserve to protect 5m² of native tropical rainforest in Magdalena Medio in Colombia.
    More information here.

    100% handmade by artisans in Colombia
    Once again, the geniality of Dorotea and Ricardo from Azua Telar shines through their excellent and fine handwork that represents the beauty of our flagship animals in these 100% hand-woven bracelets. 

    Packaging to keep forever
    Our collection would not be complete without the illustrations of Christina, from tucán y limón. | paper goods for nature lovers.

    Original idea & head behind the project
    Pilar Cendales, founder and director of Natal Colombia



    Single 4mm: W0,4cm x L16cm, adjustable
    Single 8mm: W0,8cm x L16cm, adjustable
    Triplet 4mm: W0,4cm x L60cm, adjustable

    Single 4 & Triple: 64 silk threads, metallic embroidery thread, gold-filled tubes, waxed cord.
    Single 8: 120 silk threads, metallic embroidery thread, black coated beads, waxed cord. (can be delivered with gold-filled tubes under request)

    CareTo ensure long-lasting and bright colours, we recommend washing your armband only by hand, using a delicate detergent. Use a towel to soak up water and let it dry flat.

    Don't forget to visit our Care Guide by clicking here


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